릴레이션이 이루어지는 컬럼은 형식이 같아야 한다.
테이블 구분은 중복되는 데이터가 있는지 없는지를 보고 테이블이 중복된다면 부 데이터이고 테이블이 중복되지 않는것이 주데이터가 된다.
----------------------------2012. 04. 02-1교시-----------------------------------
-- tblStaff, tblProject
-- tblMember, tblGenre, tblVideo, tblRent
select * from tblStaff; -- 직원정보
select * from tblProject; -- 프로젝트(담당자- tblStaff의직원)
use sqlex;
--1. 신입사원입사
insert into tblStaff (name, salary, addr)
values ('홍길동',200,'서울시')
--2. 김기문사원퇴사(문제있음!!)
-- : 담당중이었던tblProject 에서담당자유령~
-- : 사전에프로젝트를위임하거나프로젝트를삭제를한뒤..퇴사
-- 해당스탭테이블에서는명단이삭제되면,
-- 프로젝트테이블에맡고있던테이블이존재해선안된다.
delete from tblStaff where name = '김기문'; --김기문140 서울시
--3.1 김수동이담당하던프로젝트를아무개에게위임
update tblProject set
staff = '김기문'
where staff = '김수동';
--3.2 김수동퇴사
delete from tblStaff where name = '김수동';
--4. 신규프로젝트발주(정상)
insert into tblProject (prjName, staff)
values ('고객센터설립','김기문');
--5. 신규프로젝트발주(존재하지않는직원이담당자로배임..문제있음)
insert into tblProject (prjName, staff)
values ('주차장유료화','하하하');
--문제점: 프로젝트담당자는반드시tblStaff에존재하는인물이어야한다.
-- MS-SQL : 관계형데이터베이스(Relation Data Base)
-- : 테이블과테이블간의관계(컬럼과컬럼의관계)
-- : 데이터무결성을유지하기위해..
drop table tblStaff;
drop table tblProject;
create table tblStaff
name nvarchar(10) not null primary key, --직원명
salary int not null, --월급
addr nvarchar(20) not null -- 주소
create table tblProject
prjID int identity(1,1) not null primary key, -- 프로젝트번호
prjName nvarchar(30) not null, --프로젝트명
staff nvarchar(10) not null --담당직원명
references tblStaff(name) -- 외래키(Foreign Key)가참조하는것은, 반드시PK로지정되어있어야한다.
drop table tblMember;
drop table tblGenre;
drop table tblVideo;
drop table tblRent;
create table tblMember
pk int identity(1,1) not null primary key,-- 회원번호
name nchar(5) not null, -- 회원명
grade int not null, --회원등급(1=준, 2=정, 3=우수)
bYear int not null, --생년(성인)
tel varchar(15) not null, --연락처
addr nvarchar(50) null, -- 주소
[money] int not null -- 예시금
create table tblGenre
name nchar(5) not null primary key, --장르명
price int not null, --대여가격
period int not null -- 대영기간
create table tblVideo
pk int identity(1,1) not null primary key, -- 테잎번호
name nvarchar(30) not null, --제목
num int not null, -- 보유갯수
company nvarchar(20) null, --제작사
director nvarchar(20) null, --감독
major nvarchar(20) null, -- 주연배우
genre nchar(5) not null references tblGenre(name) --장르
-- 대여테이블
create table tblRent
pk int identity(1,1) not null primary key,--대여번호
who int not null references tblMember(pk), -- 대여회원번호
what int not null references tblVideo(pk), --비디오번호
rentDate datetime not null default(getdate()),--대여날짜
retDate datetime null -- 반납날짜
create table tblProduct
product nvarchar(20) not null, -- 상품명
company nvarchar(20) not null -- 제조사
references tblCompany(company),
price int not null -- 가격
create table tblCompany
company nvarchar(20) not null primary key, --제조사명
addr nvarchar(50) not null, -- 주소
tel varchar(15) not null -- 연락처
insert into tblCompany (company, addr, tel)
values ('농심','서울시','02-123-4567');
insert into tblCompany (company, addr, tel)
values ('오리온','인천시','032-123-4567');
insert into tblProduct (product, company, price)
values ('신라면','농심',800);
insert into tblProduct (product, company, price)
values ('초코파이','오리온',500);
insert into tblProduct (product, company, price)
values ('너구리','농심',700);
select * from tblProduct;
select * from tblCompany;
-----------------------------------2012.04.02 2, 3교시------------------------------------------
--고객테이블+ 판매테이블
create table tblJoinCustomer
name nvarchar(5) not null primary key, --고객명
tel nchar(15) not null, -- 전화번호
addr nvarchar(50) not null -- 주소
create table tblJoinSales
orderNo int identity(1,1) not null primary key,
customer nvarchar(5) not null
references tblJoinCustomer(name), -- 구매고객명(***)
item nchar(20) not null, -- 판매물품
num int not null, --판매갯수
[date] datetime not null default(getdate()) -- 판매시간
-- tblJoinCustomer
INSERT INTO tblJoinCustomer VALUES ('송골매', '123-4567', '서울시');
INSERT INTO tblJoinCustomer VALUES ('코요테', '111-1111', '인천시');
INSERT INTO tblJoinCustomer VALUES ('핑클', '222-2222', '대전시');
INSERT INTO tblJoinCustomer VALUES ('핫', '333-3333', '부산시');
INSERT INTO tblJoinCustomer VALUES ('세스', '444-4444', '광주시');
-- tblJoinSales
INSERT INTO tblJoinSales (Customer, Item, Num) VALUES ('송골매', '카세트', 1);
INSERT INTO tblJoinSales (Customer, Item, Num) VALUES ('핑클', '팥빙수', 4);
INSERT INTO tblJoinSales (Customer, Item, Num) VALUES ('핑클', '머리핀', 4);
INSERT INTO tblJoinSales (Customer, Item, Num) VALUES ('코요테', '컴퓨터', 2);
INSERT INTO tblJoinSales (Customer, Item, Num) VALUES ('베이비복스', '애기상자', 5);
INSERT INTO tblJoinSales (Customer, Item, Num) VALUES ('터보', '자외선차단크림', 2);
select * from tblJoinSales;
select * from tblJoinCustomer;
--한쪽(PK) <-> 한쪽(FK)
--: 최종결과셋이2개이상의테이블들의컬럼으로부터생성
-- : 최종결과셋이1개의테이블의컬럼으로부터생성
--1. 단순Join(Cross Join) : X
--2. 내부Join(Inner Join) : ***
--3. 외부Join(Outer Join) : ****
--4. 셀프Join(Self Join) : 드물게...사용할수밖에없는상황에서만..
create table tblProductCompany
product nvarchar(20) not null primary key, -- 상품명
company nvarchar(20) not null, -- 제조사
price int not null, -- 가격
addr nvarchar(50) not null, -- 주소
tel varchar(15) not null -- 연락처
insert into tblProductCompany (product, company, price, addr, tel)
values ('새우깡','농심',700,'서울시','02-585-8585');
insert into tblProductCompany (product, company, price, addr, tel)
values ('신라면','농심',800,'서울시','02-585-8585');
select * from tblProductCompany;
select * from tblCompany;
select * from tblProduct;
select price from tblProduct where product = '신라면';
select price from tblProductCompany where product = '신라면';
select tel from tblCompany where company = '농심';
select tel from tblProductCompany where company = '농심';
select company from tblProduct
where product = '신라면';
select tel from tblCompany
where company = '농심';
select tel from tblCompany
where company = (select company from tblProduct
where product = '신라면');
--아래이것은훨씬위에보다간편하지만, DB 특성상겹치는자료들을최대한줄이는것이
select tel from tblProductCompany where product = '신라면';
-- : 800, 서울시
select price, tel from tblProductCompany
where product = '신라면';
--inner join
select * from tblCompany
inner join tblProduct
on tblCompany.company = tblProduct.company;
select * from tblProductCompany;
select tblCompany.company, tblProduct.price ,tblCompany.addr from tblCompany
inner join tblProduct
on tblCompany.company = tblProduct.company
where tblProduct.product = '신라면';
select * from tblCompany;
select * from tblproduct;
--1. 단순Join
select * from tblCompany, tblProduct;
select * from tblCompany
cross join tblProduct;
--2. 내부Join
-- : 내부Join은어떤테이블이먼저와도상관이없다.
-- : join을맺을때는사전에테이블끼리foreign키로묶여있어야함.
-- : inner join은전제조건이단순조인이지만, 조건을걸어서일부레코드만보는것이다.
-- : 그일부조건은, on 이라는명령으로처리할수있다.
-- : 단순Join에서, 의미있는데이터만가져온것이바로inner Join이다.
select tblProduct.product, tblProduct.price, tblCompany.tel from tblCompany
inner join tblProduct
on tblCompany.company = tblProduct.company;
select * from tblCompany, tblProduct;
select p.product, p.price, c.tel from tblCompany as c
inner join tblProduct as p
on c.company = p.company;
-- : 최종원하는데이터가1개테이블안에..? 2개테이블이상?
-- : 서브쿼리
select prjName from tblProject
where staff = (select name from tblstaff
where addr = '춘천시');
-- : 조인
select * from tblProject as p
inner join tblStaff as s
on s.name = p.staff
select p.prjname, s.salary from tblProject as p
inner join tblStaff as s
on s.name = p.staff
where s.addr = '춘천시';
select * from tblStaff;
select * from tblProject;
-----------------------------------2012.04.02 4교시----------------------------------------
-- 대여료(tblGenre)가2000원인비디오의제목(tblVideo)과대여기간(tblGenre)을출력
select * from tblVideo as v
inner join tblGenre as g
on v.genre = g.name;
use pubs;
select * from titles;
select * from publishers;
select * from titles as t
inner join publishers as p
on t.pub_id = p.pub_id;
--titles - titleauthor - authors
select t.title,a.au_fname from titles as t
inner join titleauthor as ta
on t.title_id = ta.title_id
inner join authors as a
on a.au_id = ta.au_id;
-----------------------------2012. 04. 02-----오후5교시-------------------------------------
use sqlex
--땡칠이라는주연이맡은비디오는어떤것? 빌리는데얼마?
select v.name, g.price from tblVideo as v
inner join tblGenre as g
on v.genre = g.name
where v.major = '땡칠이';
--누가? 무엇을빌려갔는지? : 사람이름, 테잎이름출력
select * from tblrent;
select m.name, v.name, r.rentDate from tblMember as m
inner join tblRent as r
on m.pk = r.who
inner join tblVideo as v
on r.what = v.pk
--outer join
-- : inner join + a
-- : 2개이상의테이블을inner join 한결과에
-- : 둘중1개의테이블의모든레코드를합한결과를반환
-- : 방향이있음(left, right)
insert into tblStaff (name, salary, addr)
values ('가가가',200,'서울시');
insert into tblStaff (name, salary, addr)
values ('나나나',200,'서울시');
select * from tblStaff
select * from tblProject;
--1. 단순join
select * from tblstaff, tblProject
--2. inner join
-- : 직원들중현재프로젝트를진행하고있는직원과,
-- 그프로젝트정보를가져오시오.
select * from tblstaff as s
inner join tblProject as p
on s.name = p.staff
--3. outer join
--모든직원의정보와, 그중진행되고있는담당자의프로젝트정보까지가져오시오.
--left 사용시outer join 기준으로왼쪽,left가왼쪽테이블을이야기한다.
--right 사용시outer join 기준으로오른쪽,right는오른쪽테이블을이야기한다.
-- : tblStaff과tblProject의inner join 결과+ tblStaff의모든레코드
select * from tblstaff as s
left outer join tblProject as p
on s.name = p.staff
select * from tblVideo as v
inner join tblGenre g
on v.genre = g.name
select * from tblVideo as v
right outer join tblGenre g
on v.genre = g.name
--tblGenre의모든행(outer)은출력!! + tblVideo 데이터도같이출력(inner)
select * from tblVideo as v
right outer join tblGenre g
on v.genre = g.name
--물건을구매한이력이있는회원정보와구매정보를출력하시오. (inner)
--물건을구매한이력이있거나, 없어도회원정보와구매정보를출력하시오. (outer)
-- : 자신이자신과Join
create table tblemployee
name nchar(3) not null primary key, -- 직원명
manager nchar(3) null, -- 자신의담당자
department nchar(3) not null --소속부서
insert into tblEmployee values('나사장',null,'사장');
insert into tblEmployee values('김부장','나사장','총무부');
insert into tblEmployee values('김과장','김부장','총무부');
insert into tblEmployee values('김대리','김과장','총무부');
insert into tblEmployee values('이부장','나사장','영업부');
insert into tblEmployee values('이과장','이부장','영업부');
insert into tblEmployee values('이사원','이과장','영업부');
select * from tblEmployee
select * from tblEmployee as e1
inner join tblEmployee as e2
on e1.manager = e2.name;
--1. tblStaff, tblProject에서서울시에사는직원을
-- 제외한나머지직원들의이름, 월급, 담당프로젝트명출력
use sqlex
select s.name, s.salary,p.prjName from tblStaff as s
inner join tblProject as p
on s.name = p.staff
where s.addr <> '서울시';
--name salary prjName
------------ ----------- ------------------------------
--김상형 150 홍콩수출건
--김상형 150 TV 광고건
--김상형 150 매출분석건
--2. tblJoinCustomer, tblJoinSales에서종류에상관없이상품을2개이상구매한회원의
-- 연락처, 이름, 구매상품명, 수량을출력하시오.
select c.tel, c.name, s.item, s.num from tblJoinCustomer as c
inner join tbljoinsales as s
on c.name = s.customer
where s.num >= 2
--tel name item num
----------------- ----- -------------------- -----------
--222-2222 핑클 팥빙수 4
--222-2222 핑클 머리핀 4
--111-1111 코요테 컴퓨터 2
--3. 비디오에서모든비디오제목, 수량, 대여가격을출력하시오.
use sqlex
select v.name, v.num, g.price from tblVideo as v
inner join tblGenre as g
on v.genre = g.name
--name num price
-------------------------------- ----------- -----------
--영구와땡칠이 5 1000
--어쭈구리 5 1000
--털미네이터 3 1500
--육복성 3 2000
--뽀뽀할까요 6 2000
--우정과영혼 2 2000
--주라기유원지 1 1500
--타이거킹 4 1000
--텔미에브리딩 10 2000
--동무 7 1500
--공동경쟁구역 2 1500
--4. 비디오에서2007년2월에대여된구매내역을출력하시오. (대여회원명, 비디오명, 대여가격)
select * from tblrent
select * from tblGenre
select * from tblVideo
--m.name, v.name, g.price, r.rentDate
select m.name, v.name, g.price, r.rentDate from tblRent as r
inner join tblMember as m
on r.who = m.pk
inner join tblVideo as v
on r.what = v.pk
inner join tblGenre as g
on v.genre = g.name
where r.rentDate >= '2007-02-01' and r.rentDate < '2007-03-01'
--name name money rentDate
------- ------------------------------ ----------- -----------------------
--강감찬 어쭈구리 0 2007-02-02 00:00:00.000
--유관순 털미네이터 20000 2007-02-03 00:00:00.000
--이율곡 털미네이터 15000 2007-02-04 00:00:00.000
--신숙주 뽀뽀할까요 0 2007-02-05 00:00:00.000
--김유신 어쭈구리 10000 2007-02-10 00:00:00.000
--5. 비디오에서현재반납을안한회원과그테잎제목을출력하시오.(retDate컬럼이null)
select m.name, v.name from tblrent as r
inner join tblmember as m
on r.who = m.pk
inner join tblVideo as v
on r.what = v.pk
where retDate is null
--name name
------- ------------------------------
--김유신 영구와땡칠이
--유관순 털미네이터
--신숙주 뽀뽀할까요
--김유신 어쭈구리
--6. pubs에서'trad_cook'과'mod_cook'에속한책들의
--title id, title 과저자(lname,fname)과저자의연락처
use pubs;
select * from titles
select * from titleauthor
select * from authors
select t.title_id, t.title, a.au_lname, a.au_fname, a.phone from titles as t
inner join titleauthor as ta
on t.title_id = ta.title_id
inner join authors as a
on ta.au_id = a.au_id
where t.[type] in ('trad_cook','mod_cook')
--title_id title au_lname au_fname phone
---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------
--MC2222 Silicon Valley Gastronomic Treats del Castillo Innes 615 996-8275
--MC3021 The Gourmet Microwave DeFrance Michel 219 547-9982
--MC3021 The Gourmet Microwave Ringer Anne 801 826-0752
--TC3218 Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean Panteley Sylvia 301 946-8853
--TC4203 Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace Kitchens Blotchet-Halls Reginald 503 745-6402
--TC7777 Sushi, Anyone? O'Leary Michael 408 286-2428
--TC7777 Sushi, Anyone? Gringlesby Burt 707 938-6445
--TC7777 Sushi, Anyone? Yokomoto Akiko 415 935-4228
--7. 비디오에서모든테잎의제목과제작사를출력하고,
-- 그중빌려간이력이있는테잎은누가빌려갔었는지같이출력
use sqlex
select * from tblrent
select v.name, v.company, m.name from tblvideo as v
left outer join tblrent as r
on v.pk = r.what
left outer join tblMember as m
on r.who = m.pk
--name company name
-------------------------------- -------------------- -----
--영구와땡칠이 영구필름 김유신
--어쭈구리 에로프로덕션 강감찬
--어쭈구리 에로프로덕션 김유신
--털미네이터 파라마운트 유관순
--털미네이터 파라마운트 이율곡
--육복성 대만영화사 NULL
--뽀뽀할까요 뽀뽀사 신숙주
--우정과영혼 파라마운트 NULL
--주라기유원지 NULL NULL
--타이거킹 Walt NULL
--텔미에브리딩 영구필름 NULL
--동무 부산필름 NULL
--공동경쟁구역 뽀뽀사 NULL
-------------------------2012 04 02----------오후6교시----------------------------------
--join : 두테이블이상의특정컬럼들을묶어서하나의결과셋
--union : 두개이상의결과셋을하나로묶어서하나의결과셋
use sqlex
select * from tblVideo where genre = '액션';
select * from tblVideo where genre = '코미디';
select * from tblVideo where genre in ('액션','코미디');
select * from tblVideo where genre = '액션' union
select * from tblVideo where genre = '코미디';
--기업, 부서별게시판(영업부게시판, 총무부게시판...)
create table tblBoard1 -- 영업부게시판
seq int identity(1,1) not null primary key, -- 글번호
title nvarchar(50) not null, -- 제목
name nvarchar(10) not null, -- 글쓴이
content varchar(1000) not null, -- 내용
regDate datetime not null default(getdate()) -- 글쓴시간
create table tblBoard2 --총무부게시판
seq int identity(1,1) not null primary key, -- 글번호
title nvarchar(50) not null, -- 제목
name nvarchar(10) not null, -- 글쓴이
content varchar(1000) not null, -- 내용
regDate datetime not null default(getdate()) -- 글쓴시간
insert into tblBoard1 values
('영업부게시물입니다~~1','영업부과장','글내용', default),
('영업부게시물입니다~~2','영업부과장','글내용', default),
('영업부게시물입니다~~3','영업부과장','글내용', default),
('영업부게시물입니다~~4','영업부과장','글내용', default),
('영업부게시물입니다~~5','영업부과장','글내용', default)
insert into tblBoard2 values
('총무부게시물입니다~~1','총무부과장','글내용', default),
('총무부게시물입니다~~2','총무부과장','글내용', default),
('총무부게시물입니다~~3','총무부과장','글내용', default),
('총무부게시물입니다~~4','총무부과장','글내용', default),
('총무부게시물입니다~~5','총무부과장','글내용', default)
select * from tblBoard1
select * from tblBoard2
select * from tblBoard1 union
select * from tblBoard2
--싸이월드방명록-> 2011년이전게시물보기...
--=why? 년도마다테이블을나누어놔서.(실제로이런지는잘모른다.)
-- tblGuest2005
-- tblGuest2006
-- tblGuest2007
-- tblGuest2008
-- tblGuest2009
-- tblGuest2010
-- tblGuest2011
-- tblGuest2012
-- : 임시테이블, 뷰테이블, 가상테이블
-- : 뷰는원본테이블데이터를복사, 저장하는것이아니라,
-- 원본테이블로사용할SQL 쿼리를저장하는객체
-- : 뷰를생성한이후에편집이되는모든데이터도뷰에반영이됨.
-- : 뷰를대상으로update, insert, delete는금지!!!!
-- : 뷰는오로지select 전용
--1. 뷰객체생성
create view vwVideo
select * from tblVideo;
--2. 뷰접근(사용) : 테이블사용법과동일
select * from vwVideo;
-- 뷰를생성하는목적
-- : 수평뷰, 수직뷰
create view vwVideoVertical
select name, genre from tblVideo;
select * from vwVideoVertical
use pubs
select * from titles;
select * from titles;
--pubdate만빼고셀릭트할일이잦은일이있을때!! 아래와같이쓸것인가.
select title_id, title, [type], pub_id, price,advance, royalty, ytd_sales,notes from titles;
create view vwTitles
select title_id, title, [type], pub_id, price,advance, royalty, ytd_sales,notes from titles;
select * from vwTitles;
select * from titles where price >= 15;
create view vwTitleHorizontal
select * from titles where price >= 15;
--vwTitleHorizontal : 15불이상인책들이들어있는테이블
select * from vwTitleHorizontal
use sqlex
create view testView
select m.name as [회원명], v.name[비디오제목], g.price, r.rentDate from tblRent as r
inner join tblMember as m
on r.who = m.pk
inner join tblVideo as v
on r.what = v.pk
inner join tblGenre as g
on v.genre = g.name
where r.rentDate >= '2007-02-01' and r.rentDate < '2007-03-01'
select * from testView;
create view vwStaff
select * from tblStaff where salary > 150;
select * from vwStaff;
insert into tblStaff values ('다다다',250,'부산시');
--150-809 서울영등포구당산동가 311-1 동화빌딩4층401호
---뷰에insert, update, delete 했을때
create view vwStaff2
select salary from tblStaff;
select * from vwStaff2
--아래는안된다!!!!!! 원래tblStaff라는테이블은
--name, salary, addr이있기때문에
insert into vwStaff2 (salary) values (300);